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Learning Labs



A Brand New Learning Arena That Will Change The World!!!

Imagine entering a space that awakens your senses, appeals to your curiosity, and makes you want to explore and experiment. You are met by all the colours of the rainbow, inspiring banners, exciting tasks, fun games, and challenging puzzles

You learn how to use tablets and can explore a whole universe of apps giving you infinite challenges. By trying and failing, and trying again - your accomplishments are rewarded.

You learn because you want to, and as you master new skills, you want to learn even more

You are in a Learning Lab... and it’s full of educational wonders!



There are no teachers in a Learning Lab. Instead, there are facilitators, it is their job to guide the students to learn using all the amazing educational materials available within the Lab.

What Is A Learning Lab?

A Learning Lab is a new learning arena with progressive learning stations that combines the technology of tablets with educational apps and hands-on tasks. The design allows students to move between stations and different types of games, and progress at their own pace and at their own level. In a Learning Lab, Learning is fun, and every material is developed to make students feel like they are mastering learning.


 A Learning Lab Enables Students to Learn In Every Kind Of Way


The Literacy Lab

Learning to read and write happens in phases. The Literacy Lab has 9 stations to help students learn each of the phases. Every station has a collection of inspiring banners, educational apps & hands-on games, all designed to inspire students to learn for themselves, at their own level and pace.


We have developed over 100 edcuational apps based on the phases of learning to read and write. These apps match, and are played at each of the stations in the Literacy Lab. The apps work incredbily well at focusing the students learning, with levels that get harder and harder, meaning students can keep coming back for more practice even after they have mastered some of the phase.


The Literacy Lab makes learning to read and write fun. Students who come into the Lab do not want to leave. The educational apps and hands-on games make students feel like they are mastering learning, and will want to carry on learning as much as they can. The Literacy Lab has proved so effective, that students can learn to read and write in just weeks…how cool it that!


 Students who learn by themselves, for themselves, at their own level and pace, learn so much more!!!


The Numeracy Lab

The Numeracy lab makes learning maths fun!  Learning Numeracy goes in phases that need to be mastered in the right order. This Lab is split into 8 stations. Every station represents a different phase in the learning process of learning foundational numeracy. Every station is full of fun educational apps and hands-on games that help students learn in a different way.


On each station there is a collection of hands-on games and apps for the students to play. Each game and app has a learning outcome related to the station it is assigned to. Each game and app helps the student to learn the learning outcome of a station in a different way. This hans-on game helps students recognise numbers and different ways to represent them.


Students have so much fun learning numeracy in our specially designed Numeracy Lab. Students now only have fun, they learn quicker, and their learning is so much stronger. The Learning Lab concept encourages students to learn for themselves, by themselves, which makes their learning outcomes stronger than when they are told and repeat things.


Adults learn so much in Learning Labs. Adult learning has been proven to be effective in the Learning Labs which combine education technology and practical learning.

Learning Labs work worldwide, across all ages, all backgrounds, all languages, and all levels...they really are that AMAZING! Adults learn so much, and so quickly in Learning Labs.

The brand new entrepreneurship lab is designed to introduce key business principals and spark discussions

The Entreprenurship Lab

The Entreprenurship Lab is newly developed in 2022 and has been a huge success already, with 4 set up and many more planned. The Lab is an inspiring room to conduct very practical and down to earth training for grass root to medium level of entrepreneurship students. The lab can be used for group work as well as individual learning based on their needs and their situation.


The Entreprenurship Lab comes with a variety of specially developed materials to help reinforce and fruther learnings. We have developed, in partnership with Africa Startup 25 different catergories of videos and applications based upon key business principlas; topics include everything from busienss planning, marketing strategies, knowing your customer, and much much more. Also availble in the Lab is Africa Startup’s ‘How To Make Money’ newspaper, The entreprenurship board game ‘Dipeo’, Reserarch conrner, and hands on games designed to provoke business discusssions and evalutations.

entrepreneurship apps and videos are the basis of the Lab
Students in Uganda learning how to use the brand new Entrepreneurship Lab. This lab combines educational applications with innovative learning methods and practical skills.

The Entreprenuership Lab can be used for individual and group learning, as well as for specific training programs. We have developed and implimented many entrepreuership training programs already. This Lab has collected the most powerful learning techniques from all of them and put them into a fun and thought provoking format that everybody can learn from. If you or your organisation is interested in setting up or using your own Entrepreuership Lab, get in contact here.


The most important thing in a Learning Lab is that students have a good learning outcome…every time they use the Lab!!!


Currently In Development

Student in the Creativity Lab currently in development at MyFarm. The Creativity Lab used educational innovations to help develop students creativity.

Creativity Lab

The Creativity Lab aims to develop students creativity using fun and practical tasks. This Lab guides students through creative concepts like patterns and textures, storytelling, and musical rhythms. Over 100 applications have already been made and are being tested at MyFarm for The Creativity Lab.

The Science Lab is currently in development at MyFarm in The Gambia. This Lab combines practical learning with education technology.

Science Lab

The Science Lab currently in development at MyFarm in Gambia aims to guide students through the basic concepts of science, and then use the on site gardens for practical learning. Climate change, the role of plants and insects in nature, organic farming, lifer cycles, and the solar system are just some of the topics this Lab will cover.