a new innovative learning method:
Leap Learning Labs
Leap Learning has developed a new educational method using technology to enable students to learn to learn, where and whoever they are in the world. We are combining technology and hands on games into a flipped classroom (Leap Learning Labs) with stations, to ensure that all learners can learn at their own level and in their own pace.
The Entrepreneurship and Employability Lab
The BRAND NEW way to learn entrepreneurship and how to get a job is here! The Entrepreneurship and Employability Lab equips students with lifelong skills that will guide them to start their very own businesses, or enter good full time employment. The extensive curriculum can be focused towards any kind of business idea making it perfect to be used in combination with practical skills training, helping students to gain the knowledge and confidence to use skills to start a business and make money. The job market is ever expanding and ever changing, and the Entrepreneurship Lab is packed full of innovative learning methods, practical tasks, and fun and educational role plays that will students prepare for getting a job.
Students all over Africa are already using The Entrepreneurship and Employability Lab everyday to help them learn, contact us today if you are interested in testing it in your school/organisation.
Learn At Home
Our universe of educational apps covers a complete curriculum of literacy and numeracy. Creativity and science are currently in development. Students start at the very beginning, and first, learn how to learn using our logic and critical thinking apps. Students then go through our progressive learning concept step by step learning in every possible way, and having fun at the same time! All our e-learning apps are designed to make learning fun for students, making them feel like they are mastering learning, and mastering something new every time they use the apps.
Leap Hotspots
The Leap Hotspot is a rugged Android tablet preloaded with our entire app collection. The tablet is installed in a metal box which is mounted on a building, available to the local communities for free.
Our Impact
More than 300 schools in over 20 countries are using the apps and/or the Leap Learning Lab concept from Leap Learning.
You can find our Learning Labs and our Hotspots in more than 20 countries throughout the entire world.
Learning LAbs and Hotspots
Currently we have implemented more than 80 Learning Labs and 30 Hotspots.
schools using our apps
That means more than 50 000 directly impacted children and adults!
CSR Projects
Leap Learning is a perfect match if your company is looking for a CSR project! In India we are proud to have partnered with Hydro for their CSR project in Kuppam, Andra Pradesh.
Our Products
Leap Learning offers a variety of educational products. You can use our modular quality educational apps on their own or as part of our Leap Learning Lab concept. They are also part of our Leap Hotspot concept.
educational apps
Leap Learning has developed a unique collection of educational apps. Currently we have a portfolio of more than 500 apps, covering basic logic, literacy, numeracy and entrepreneurship.
The apps are available as Android apps and as webapps. The layout on Android devices are defined by our own Leap Leauncher app.
Leap Learning Labs
Leap Learning has developed a new educational method using technology to enable children to learn to learn, where and whoever they are in the world. We are combining technology and hands on games into a flipped classroom (Leap Learning Labs) with stations, to ensure that all children can learn at their own level and in their own pace.
leap hotspot
The Leap Hotspot is a rugged Android tablet preloaded with our entire app collection. The tablet is installed in a metal box which is mounted on a building, available to the local communities for free.
The Leap Hotspots also come with a wifi hotspot so that people can connect and play the apps on their own devices.
CSR projects
Leap Learning is a perfect match if your company is looking for a CSR project! In India we are proud to have partnered with Hydro for their CSR project in Kuppam, Andra Pradesh. We have several years of experience with CSR Projects that have had a proven great effect. We offer quality educational CSR projects with huge effect for the beneficiaries - for adults as well as for the children!
Volunteer With Us
Help Us Scale our educational innovations
Do you want to make the world a better place? To travel? Be creative? Meet new friends you’ll have for life? And to use your skills and ideas to improve education and change lives everywhere? If yes, Leap Learning is here to welcome you to an incredible and enriching volunteering experience – that can begin right now, and take you to anywhere in the world!