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Leap Learning Homeschooling


Our universe of educational apps covers a complete curriculum of literacy and numeracy, creativity and science are currently in development. Students start at the very beginning, and first, learn how to learn using our logic and concepts apps. Students then go through our progressive learning concept step by step learning in every possible way…and having fun. All our e-learning apps are designed to make learning fun for students, making them feel like they are mastering learning, and mastering something new every time they use the apps.


 No Games, No Distractions…Just Learning


Progressive learning at home

We understand how students learn different subjects, our apps are developed with that at the core. Children learn to read and write and do basic mathematics in phases, each phase needs to be learned in the right order. Our apps are categorised into each. of these phases to structure students learning. There are loads of apps for every phase, all helping students learn the phase in a different way.


Learning Happens in many different ways

Learning happens all the time, in many different ways, and at Leap Learning we understand that. Our elearning apps are designed for students to learn in every way imaginable. Students learn by trying, failing, and trying again. Our apps make learning fun and make students feel like they are mastering something new every time they use them.


Educational Apps For Literacy, Numeracy, & More

Leap Learning offers a unique collection of educational apps. We have developed more than 500 unique progressive apps for basic literacy, numeracy, logic and entrepreneurship. They are available in several languages! All you need to do to unlock your children’s learning potential is download our app and buy a license.

Go to the apps


Unlimited Educational Potential At The Tap Of A Screen



Children can learn to read and write in just a few weeks using our educational apps. Students start by learning Logic & Concepts and then move through Sounds & Rhymes, Storytelling, Letter Shapes, Writing, Blending, Word & Word Images, Sentences, and Reading & Writing Stories

Foundational Literacy applications

Did you know that students should always learn the letter sounds first. This will speed up learning how to read and write dramatically. Think about when you spell a word, do you use the letter sounds or the letter names? Children learn in exactly the same way, and should always use the letter sounds first.

Use our educational applications at home :)

Learning literacy is different in evey language, and our apps reflect that. All the apps are fully translated and localized in 8 different laungages. Some categories like Sounds & Rhymes change substantially, other a little. . We constantly update our apps to make sure the students learn literacy correctly, no matter where you are in the world

Our literacy apps start with sounds and rhymes

 Every phase includes loads of apps that all help the students learn in a different way. Students will listen, repeat, watch, try, and try again!


Did you know that with our educational applications we prepare students to use what they learn in the real world! The concepts and word problems applications in Numeracy use real world mathematics to help students relate what they learn to real life. If children see the value of what they learn, their learning will be so much more powerful.


Mathematics becomes fun with our numeracy app collection! Students start by learning logic & Concepts and then move through Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division, Concepts, And Word Problems.

Numeracy apps covering a complete curriculum of foundational numeracy

There Is So Much More To Learn At Home…For Adults Too

Our app universe is expanding all the time. Students around the world can learn so much at home, with just our applications. The Leap team has developed app collections on entrepreneurship, climate change, growing up, cyber security, organic farming, vocational skills, women’s and men’s health, recycling, creativity, and much more. So you see, only 1 app, Leap Learning’s App Universe, has unlimited educational potential!!!

Entrepreneurship applications and videos available to learn from home


Learn business at home with 125 entrepreneurship applications and 25 videos cover a complete curriculum of foundational entrepreneurship. Videos give overviews of key business principals and applications help reinforce

Learn vocational skills at home using our education technology

Vocational Skills

Vocational skills, such as welding, solar installation, and micro gardening have been added to the app universe with more being developed all the time. Teach yourself a marketable skill you will have for a lifetime, and then go out there and get the practical experience you need.

Organic Farming

App collections are now available to help people around the world adopt organic practices to help them improve their lands in tandem with their yields. Learn organic practices to help yourself and improve the food security outlook for the whole world.