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Education technology made easy in a Learning Lab

Win A Learning Lab


we are giving away 10 learning labs to communities around the world!

Do you think your community or school could benefit from a Learning Lab…we sure do! Do you or your organisation know somewhere that would need, manage, and use Learning Labs to their full potential. If so, read the rules and regulations below and get in contact!

It is now obvious that students, both children and adults, who use Learning Labs on a regular basis have far better grades than those that don’t. We are committed to improving education around the world, this competition is therefore open to anyone, anywhere…everyone deserves a good education, and everyone has a chance to win!


What You Win

Students learning in the Literacy Lab. The Literacy Lab mixes education technology with practical learning.

Literacy Lab

The Literacy Lab helps students learn to read and write. Students can learn to read and write in just a few weeks, compared to a few years.

Students in Peru using the Numeracy Lab. The Numeracy Lab makes learning maths fun by combining educational applications with practical hands on games.

Numeracy Lab

The Numeracy Lab covers a complete curriculum of foundational mathematics. Learning maths becomes fun in the Numeracy Lab.

Hundereds Of Educational Apps

You will win access to our entire app collection, including regular updates to the system. Our apps help student learn for themselves!


How To Enter


Fill in application form

Maecenas non leo laoreet, condimentum lorem nec, vulputate massa. In sit amet felis malesuada, feugiat purus eget, varius mi. Mauris id fermentum nulla.

read Training guide, play training apps, and answer questions

In sit amet felis malesuada, feugiat purus eget, varius mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas non leo laoreet, condimentum lorem nec, vulputate massa.

send us a video

Aliquam bibendum, turpis eu mattis iaculis, ex lorem mollis sem, ut sollicitudin risus orci quis tellus. Nullam sit amet nisi condimentum erat iaculis auctor. Suspendisse nec congue purus.

Donate A Learning Lab

Saraa Alpha, a small community in rural Gambia has been donated a Learning Lab. The whole community came out to launch the Lab.

Give someone a fish, and they will be hungry tomorrow, teach them how to fish and you feed them for a lifetime. Learning Lab’s are the educational equivalent of that fishing rod :). With proper training and follow up, Learning Lab’s really can benefit a community for a lifetime.

You do not need to be a student or an educator in order to contribute to, or support, your community’s learning opportunities! You can choose to donate a Lab, an entire one or in part, to your community or an institution you have a personal relationship with. Supporting the instalment of a leap Learning Lab is immensely valuable, as it includes a package deal consisting of our personal assistance, all our learning materials and hundreds of applications.

The Leap team will pay for and coordinate the training needed to ensure the Lab will help to educate communities for years to come.


Learning Labs Around The World


Our newest Learning Lab is at Aro-Centre in Bondo, Kenya. The centre now has a full Literacy Lab for the students to learn to read and write, they will also have access to our full collection of numeracy applications. This lab has been delivered in collaboration with Sanafondet! . Thank you to the great team there for all their support.

We have already set up and are running over 70 Leanring Labs around the world. Here are some of their stories.

In Kuppam, India, they have been running their Learning Labs for 2 years now. And the students and facilitators are learning so much. Part of every Learning Lab set up is training and following up with the people who are responsible for running the Lab, and we have been remotely training the 5 facilitators to make sure this Lab works correctly.

El Miradors school in Peru was the first Learning Lab we set up in South America. The students there have been enaging ever since, and we are recieveing great reports from the management team there. Every Learning Lab is customised to the local context, and this Lab is fully in Spanish to helpt he students learn in their local language.